Amid the heritage-listed structures of the old locomotive workshop in Sydney, now home of hi-tech companies, and wrought iron experts Wrought Artworks on one side and bars and happening spaces on the other side, renamed CarriageWorks, and home on Saturdays of the Everleigh Growers Market, vinyl enthusiasts, specialised retailers, and DJs filled up the space yesterday with crates after crates of vinyls for sale and interesting music.
You could also spot the odd turntable here and there, and maybe the next edition should incorporate a "vintage hardware" section. I have interviewed a few visitors and asked them what equipment they see, and, particularly in the younger crowd - and it was a crowd by the way, the direct drive Technics SL1200 was the favourite, as most people there were linked to DJeing of sort. Most had no idea of which amps or speakers they were using apart from one, would would name NAD and Tannoy to extract music from his vinyls spinning on a...Technics 1200, bien sur! Even the media were there to catch a glimpse of this nostalgic revival. I found only one box of classical music, Everything else was Beatlemania, Metal, Funk, Hard Rock and everything in between - not really my cup of tea - but I manage to buy a decent copy of "Love over Gold" from Dire Straits, and a recent reissue of "Yellow Submarine", which I never had a copy of. The side 2 is very good as it is mainly instrumental and film scores from George Harrison. I don't think I need to introduce Adele...and, although I have heard some of her songs before and was certainly curious to hear more, I had so far not bought any CD from her.
A recent browse into a JB Hifi store while my car was being washed drew me to my favourite section of this gigantic music emporium, the Blu-Ray concerts. I have said before than I can't find a better soind quality than a well recorded Blu-Ray disc and this one is no exception. But a big surprise was in store for me, as I didn't waste any time to listen - and watch - this amazing performance as soon as I got back home. My wife dropped everything to be with me and we were soon like two teenagers at their first live performance! This girl is amazing! Not only is sheextremely pretty, but funny, witty, vivacious and can she sings! She draws you into her emotions and lyrics and manage to make you feel that she sings just for you and she achieves this monumental performance barely moving on stage! A far cry from Madonna or Michael Jackson, but a stunning piece of music nevertheless. She is certainly helped by a great team of musicians and back singers. Her pianist in particular, specially when playing solo, plays the perfect counterpoint or support to Adele's stories, from the most delicate ballad to the jazziest beat. The filming is quite good too, with maybe 20 cameras - I like the close-up on the hands of the pianist or the top shot on the drums and the close-ups on the supporting singers! Great entertainment, great sound, great photography and obviously fabulous songs by a very talented Adele! |
AuthorBorn in France, well travelled, relocated to Sydney in 1997. Archives
August 2019